American Journal of Modern Physics

Special Issue

High Energy Physics: Towards a New Synthesis of Fundamental Interactions

  • Submission Deadline: 20 December 2014
  • Status: Submission Closed
  • Lead Guest Editor: Luigi Maxmilian Caligiuri
About This Special Issue
High energy physics has allowed us, during the last decades, to investigate the world of subatomic particles and their interactions at smaller and smaller scales, such as quarks and leptons as well as photons and a wide range of exotic particles also produced by radioactive decay and scattering processes. In the current picture these particles are considered as excitations of quantum fields interacting according their specific dynamics characterizing the fundamental interactions of Nature.

All the known elementary particles and their fundamental interactions are described, within the commonly accepted theoretical framework, by the so - called Standard Model, based on quantum field theory. Nevertheless this model is far from being complete since it can describe only three of the four fundamental interactions, leaving out the fundamental gravitational interaction. In this sense it is coherent with the actual formulation of quantum mechanics and special relativity, but not with general relativity, leading to the unification of weak and electromagnetic interactions and the consideration of strong force but being unable to include gravity in this scheme.

Despite its several experimental confirmations, it then poses a series of very crucial and unsolved questions among as the origin of gravity, the explanation of the so - called dark matter and the value of neutrinos mass. Other important conceptual aspects are represented by the high number of free parameters needed by the model and by the mechanism of particle mass formation according to the Higgs model as a symmetry breaking process.

The aim of this special issue is to explore and discuss the most novel and recent theoretical and experimental developments about the subject of high energy physics and unification of fundamental interactions also examining previously unaddressed aspects; to review, comparing and contrasting different points of view; to propose and develop new approaches of scientific research, rapidly and effectively exchanging perspectives and to encourage new lines of research.

We intend to invite front - line researcher and authors to submit original research and review papers on exploring the above subject.

Potential topics include but are not limited to:

      Review of High energy physics;
      Standard Model with Special Reference to Higgs Mechanism;
      Neutrino Physics;
      Quantum Field Theory;
      General Relativity and Gravitation;
      Dark Matter and Dark Energy;
      Quantum Chromodynamics;
      High Energy Physics in Cosmology and Astrophysics;
      String, Superstring and Cosmic String Theories;
      M - Theory and Magnetic Monopole;
      Interactions Unification Theories;
      New Perspectives in Particles and Fields Research.
Lead Guest Editor
  • Luigi Maxmilian Caligiuri

    Faculty of Science, University of Calabria, Arcavacata, Italy

Guest Editors
  • Berin Belma Sirvanli

    Physics Department, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey

  • Asaad Ismail

    Medical Physics, Physics Department, Education College, Salahaddin University, Erbil, Iraq

Published Articles
  • Calculation of Vibration Modes of Mechanical Waves on Microtubules Presented like Strings and Bars

    Atanas Todorov Atanasov

    Issue: Volume 3, Issue 6-1, December 2014
    Pages: 1-11
    Received: 28 May 2014
    Accepted: 7 July 2014
    Published: 13 July 2014
    Abstract: The study describes a physical model of vibrating microtubules in living cells, presented as strings and bars. Calculated are proper-frequencies of first four vibration modes of transverse and longitudinal waves on microtubules. For microtubules with length 1-30µm and shear modulus 5.0×106 N/m2 the proper-frequencies of standing transverse waves fa... Show More